Moral panics on the precipice of a revolution

By Mackenzie

Imagine you own a home, ambitious I know, and it catches fire. This is a regular occurrence, your house catching fire, but it seems to be the only house on the street that does this. You often borrow your neighbours garden hose to snuff the inferno and think to yourself, “when will this city invest in a fire brigade?”. You are not known for having the house that spontaneously combusts, but rather for being a garden hose thief. Continue reading “Moral panics on the precipice of a revolution”

Guns N’ Roses

By Axl


Welcome to the jungle, where there’s guns at play

Welcome to the jungle, where bullets have no name

Welcome to the jungle, trigger happy fingers like to dance

Welcome to the jungle, where police are heavily armed

Welcome to the jungle

Welcome to the jungle

Welcome to the jungle.

You would think that I’d be desensitized by now. Unfazed by the blaring sound of an assault rifle propelling bullets at 1000 miles per hour. As far back as I can recall I have been playing video games that promote heavy gun violence. My whole life I have romanticized the idea of being the ‘modern heroic figure’ that is portrayed on the silver screen. One who does not save the world by a wielding a mighty sword, but by toting a gun with infinite ammunition. Sadly, I am far from desensitized. Continue reading “Guns N’ Roses”

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